Differences between NTFS to FAT System


Most computer users are using Windows XP choose the NTFS partition is not FAT system. Because NTFS has the advantage of the security that can not be found in other systems. Now let's look at the differences between NTFS to FAT so that we all do not miscast. Basically there are three different systems that are available in Windows XP: FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS.

NTFS to FAT System

There is also the abbreviation of FAT and NTFS. Ie FAT and NTFS File Allocation Table is short for NT File System.

FAT16 system was introduced in 1981 through MS-DOS. FAT16 was designed originally to handle and read files in the floppy drive only, and finally perform the minor modifications over the years so that today can handle and read the hard drive, and can even read the file names of more than 8.3 characters, but this still ranks lowest in terms of reading ability.

The biggest advantage of FAT16 is compatible system in various operating systems, including Windows 95/98 / ME, OS / 2, Linux, and several versions of UNIX. In addition to the advantage of course is no shortage, and the biggest drawback of FAT16 is that it has the maximum number of clusters per partition, FAT16 also does not support compression, encryption or security.

For example in 2GB partitions, size 32 kilobytes per cluster, which means that the smallest file on the partition will take as much space or space 32KB.

FAT32 system, originally introduced in Windows 95 Service Pack 2. Actually FAT32 just an extension that has been modified from FAT16 system in order to provide a much larger number of clusters per partition. Therefore, FAT32 is more widely used than the FAT16 system. FAT32 also has its limitations also like FAT16, many operating systems that can recognize FAT16 but will not be able to work with FAT32, especially Windows NT, as well as Linux and UNIX course. But now it is no problem if you use FAT32 on a computer with Windows XP operating system since XP was able to recognize the FAT32 or FAT16 system.

NTFS system, first introduced by Windows NT, and NTFS systems entirely different from the FAT. NTFS systems provide good security, ranging from files compression, quotas, and even encryption. NTFS also now become the default file system for new installations of Windows XP, and if you're upgrading from previous Windows versions of Windows, you will be asked if you want to convert into a system that you use NTFS? Do not worry. If you are already upgraded to Windows XP and did not perform system conversion that did not matter.

You can convert FAT16 or FAT32 system to NTFS whenever you want. But keep in mind you can not recover easily from NTFS to FAT or FAT32 (without reformatting the drive or partition).

NTFS file system is generally not compatible with other operating systems are installed on the same computer, the NTFS system is also not available when you boot from the diskette or floppy. The reason, the system is recommended for small partition when you perform formatting is using the FAT system.

If you run more than one operating system on a single computer (Dual OS), of course you have to reformat some of the volume as FAT. All programs or data to be accessed by more than one operating system on a computer should be stored on the system FAT16 or FAT32. But keep in mind that you do not have data security in the system FAT16 or FAT32.

So if you do not use the NTFS system is better not to store data or files in the hard drive partitions using the FAT file system because most likely your important data or files will not be safe.

What is the explanation I give is quite clear on NTFS Vs. FAT? Hopefully clearly yes .. So first explanation from me about NTFS and FAT system then we connect again with how to recognize the file extension.
Differences between NTFS to FAT System 4.5 5 samuelkurnianta Most computer users are using Windows XP choose the NTFS partition is not FAT system. Because NTFS has the advantage of the security that ca...

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