Here Viruses Most Frequently Attacked Android Smartphone


Android Virus

Android Virus types Most Frequently Attacked - As an OS that uses a programming language Linux, Android can not be separated dai threat of viruses and malware. Along the development of a virus that attacks the Android OS operating system made by Google is also increasingly varied. A company that issued antivirus applications for the Android platform, Sophos, said a finding of Android malware.

Sophos has recapitalize all the data they get from their antivirus product applications installed on Android devices in 118 countries around the world. From the results of incoming data recap the five kinds of malware Sophos suggests that most attacking Android devices in 118 countries. What are the five kinds of malware it? Here's a complete explanation.

Andr / PJApps-C.
This virus belongs to the type of Trojan. When Sophos detects a malware application affected by this, it means that the application has been cracked using available cracker tools in general. This type of malware is not too dangerous.

Andr / BBridge-A.
This virus belongs to the group of Trojans. Also known as BaseBridge. This virus uses previlege escalation to infiltrate into the system and then install a malicious application into the Android device. This malware uses the HTTP protocol to connect to the central server and then sends the valuable information contained on Android devices is attacked. The danger again this malware can send and read SMS. This malware will scan incoming SMS and eliminates the warnings that we have charged a premium SMS usage.

Andr / Battery D.
This malware also includes Trojans have another name Trojan.AndroidOS.FakeDoc.b. Malware is right to make the application "Battery Doctor" who tells us that this application will save battery usage on Android devices is attacked. But in fact this application will send information about the Android device is attacked and sent to a central server using HTTP. This malware also led to the emergence of a lot of advertising when opening an application.

Andr / Generic-S.
Malware is included in the category of malicious behavior. This malware also has the ability to send premium SMS without the owner's knowledge attacked Android device.

Andr / Dr Sheep-A.
Malware is included in the category of Trojan. This malware has the ability to (hacked) Twitter accounts, Facebook, and LinkedIn are active on the the Android device attacked. This malware has another name HackTool.AndroidOS.DroidSheep.a

As Android users we have to be more vigilant against suspicious files that appear suddenly in our Android device memory. As a precaution it is good we have an antivirus application to prevent the attack from malware that can come from anywhere. We also never talked about some antivirus applications are powerful enough to protect our Android devices.
Here Viruses Most Frequently Attacked Android Smartphone 4.5 5 samuelkurnianta Android Virus types Most Frequently Attacked - As an OS that uses a programming language Linux, Android can not be separated dai threat ...

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